Saturday, August 2, 2008

Today's Technology

The human race with the use of technology began with the processing of natural resources in simple tools. The discovery of prehistoric remains of the ability to control the fire increases the availability of food sources and the invention of the wheel contributed to the man in travel and control their environment. Recent technological developments, including the press, the telephone and the Internet have reduced the physical barriers and communication allows people to interact globally. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes, the development of weapons of destructive force ever-growing has made progress in the course of history, associations of nuclear weapons.

Technology has on society and its environment in a number of possibilities. In many societies, technology has contributed to more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and led to the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce undesirable byproducts, known as pollution and depletion of natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Several implementations of the technology on a society's values and often new technology raises new ethical questions. Examples include increasing the efficiency concept with regard to human productivity, a concept initially on machines and the challenge of traditional norms.

Born philosophical debates on current and future use of technology in society, with differences of opinion on whether technology improves the human condition or deteriorated. Neo-Luddism, Anarcho-primitivism, movements and other critical to the dissemination of technology in the modern world and said that damage the environment and alienated man, a supporter of humanism transplantation ideologies as Techno-progressivism and continue technological progress as beneficial to society and the human condition. Indeed, until recently, it was believed that the development of the technique has been limited to humans, but recent scientific studies indicate that primates and other communities of dolphins have developed simple tools and learned to give their informed d other generations.

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